Hi! I’m glad you made it here.

I’m Dr. Wendy Goodall McDonald, a Board Certified Obstetrician Gynecologist practicing in downtown Chicago.

You might know me as the founder, author, and Editor-In-Chief of The Gyneco-bLogic, formerly The Gyneco-Logic. But let’s drop the third-person formality and get real—I’m going to tell you about myself, straight from the heart. That’s why you’re here anyways!

I was born and raised on the vibrant South Side of Chicago. Yes, that automatically makes me a White Sox fan, but hey, I’ll cheer for the Cubs too, after all, they clinched the World Series in 2016! My educational journey began at Robert A. Black Elementary for Preschool, and I continued on to the University of Chicago Lab Schools from Kindergarten through 12th Grade.

At Xavier University of Louisiana, I graduated  Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree. Almost Summa Cum Laude, but alas, that one Biology test during senior year tripped me up. It still bothers me, but hey, life’s full of lessons, right?

My Expensive Triumph

My greatest educational achievement? Attending Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. And when I say “greatest,” I really mean “most expensive.” Those student loans seemed eternal, but they also sparked my passion for writing. You see, financial debt pushed me to achieve something greater while keeping my day job intact.
Oh, and let’s not forget—I met the love of my life, Dr. Ed McDonald IV, at Northwestern. He’s got an awesome blog called The Doc’s Kitchen, which I’ll shamelessly plug all day long.


Fast forward—I’ve been married for 10 wonderful years, and together, Ed and I have three amazing children and a lovable dog. Beyond the medical office, I’ve always cherished the opportunity to share health knowledge and life counseling with my patients. Now, I’m thrilled to broaden that reach and connect with a wider audience.

I thrive on feedback and content requests if you take interest in The Gyneco-bLogic!  And hey, if you have personal questions, consider making an appointment to see me in my office (HIPAA is crucial, after all). But wait, there’s more! When you’re brimming with knowledge and laughter from my blog, hop over to my brand-new website, Dr. Every Woman dot com. It’s the central hub for all things Dr. Wendy Goodall McDonald—and yes, that deserves a celebratory yaaayyyy! 🎉